Rocky Rampage - Tip, Tricks & Strategy Guide

Rocky Rampage - Tip, Tricks & Strategy Guide

 Wreck Em Up!

Rocky Rampage: Wreck Em up is one of my favorite games to play on mobile. You might remember a while ago, I recommended this game, along with many others, in my list of Ten Mobile Games You Should Be Playing right now.
Rocky Rampage: Max Speed

The goal is to launch Boulder Cobblestone, as far as possible, to reach the end-level boss: Empress Clipper, ruler of the Empire of Scissor. The gameplay is straightforward, where you simply tap the screen to launch your character and to make crucial jumps through-out the game. 

Rocky Rampage can be a lot of fun if you know how to master it. That is why I've included some tips, tricks, and strategies in this guide. Very soon, you will be completing stages and breaking the speed limit like a pro. 


Rocky Rampage - Loading screen



Rocky Rampage: Wreck Opening Game Screen

 Boulder Cobblestone
Boulder Cobblestone: Fashion icon in his home town. Owns 15 pairs of unique underpants. 
Pebble: Boulder's trusted sidekick. 
Empress Clipper
Empress Clipper: Ruler of the Empire of Scissor 


Chapter 1: Rockvale 

Rocky Rampage: Rockvale Stage


Chapter 2: Woodland

Rocky Rampage: Woodland Stage


Rocky Rampage: Wreck Em Up, boosters mobile game screen

Ms. Poggy: Increases your launching power

Energy Drink: Gives you additional jump charge(s) 

Dynamite: Gives you a final blast after coming to a complete stop



Powerups screen
The above upgrades are crucial if you want to complete stages in boulder cobblestone Rampage. You may also upgrade the “Launch Power” card to increase the launching power when the wild boar hits your character. 

Rocky Rampage: Launching Boar Start

(Tip: Catching the right level of power can be tricky. Allow the bar to swing back and forth 3 - 5 times for better timing.)

Launch Power : Rocky RampageLaunch Power: Increases your launching power. 

Boom Birds

(Tip: Connecting boom birds with other helpers can help to break the speed limit. High speeds can help to inflict greater damage on the end level boss.)  

Max Speed: Rocky RampageMax Speed: Increase your maximum speed

Rocky Rampage: breaking the wall

(Tip: Starting out with low strength will make it harder to break walls and defeat the end level boss. Upgrade the strength meter past 10 in order to break through walls at low speeds.) 

Strength Rocky RampageStrength: Make it easier to destroy the wall

(Tip: Upgrading “aerodynamics” reduces loss in speed when he rolls and can help to increase acceleration. Time bounces in order to reduce ground friction and obstacles.) 

Aerodynamics Rocky RampageAerodynamics: Reduce speed loss

Rocky Rompage: Max Speed

(Tip: Upgrading boom birds will also increase the number of birds in the air, and chances to catch a ride.) 

Boom Birds Rocky RampageBoom Bird: Increases the strength of the explosion 

Rocky Rampage Kangaroo Jumper

(Tip: Roos come with three good jumps. Time each jump so that your kangaroo can jump higher in the air for an extra boost.) 

KAngaroo Rocky RampageKangaroo: Jump higher and get faster

Rocky Rampage Flying Skunk

(Tip: Flying Skunks are great for getting off the ground. Unfortunately, they will not give you a boost unless you already have momentum. ) 

Flying Skunk rocky RampageFlying Skunk: Fly higher and get a stronger speed boost 

Rocky Rampage Flying Dragon

 (Tip: Dodging fireballs and eating the wizard, unlocks a massive speed boost.) 

Dragon Rocky RampageDragon: Faster speed during flight and stronger boost at the end 

Golden duck Rocky rampage

(Tip: Collect all of the golden ducks you can. Golden ducks commonly hang around boom birds.

Golden DuckGolden Duck: Increase the gold amount received when hitting this enemy

Energy Bee Rocky Rampage

(Tip: Energy Bees refill your charge meter for jumps. Timing your jumps just right can help you maintain a health boost bar.) 

Energy BeeEnergy Bee: Energy Bee(s) will appear more often


Underpants Collection


One Star Underpants 

Rocky Rampage - Basic Underpants Rocky Rampage - Redline Underpants Rocky Rampage - Purple Star Underpants
Rocky Rampage - Golden Star Underpants Rocky Rampage - Goldenline Underpants


Two Star Underpants 

Rocky Rampage - Millionaire Man Underpants Rocky Rampage - The Cannonball Underpants Rocky Rampage - Primal Underpants
Rocky Rampage - Grenadier Underpants Rocky Rampage - Kangaroo Raider Underpants Rocky Rampage - Hornets Underpants


Three Star Underpants

Rocky Rampage - Mr. Thunder Underpants Rocky Rampage - Billionaire Man Underpants Rocky Rampage - Skypunch Underpants
Rocky Rampage - Flexy Underpants

Rocky Rampage: Wreck Em Up


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great guide.

Jesus Payano

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